Så inleder vi då ytterligare en ny vecka i månaden Mars, tiden går fortfarande alldeles för fort samtidigt som man bara önskar att det kunde bli vår snart (helst igår).
Får ge mig själv en mental spark i baken för att jag inte ska deppa ihop över saker som inte kan kontrolleras utan leva här och nu.
Idag vart det trögstartat men fick in lite kettlebell träning (testade dessutom nya Yoga/Pilates mattan) på eftermiddagen iallafall och vissa dagar får man vara nöjd med att ha gjort något istället för att tänka på det man borde gjort.
So thenwe start another new week in the month of March, the time is still too fast while only wish it could be spring soon (preferably yesterday).
Must give myself a mental kick in the butt so that I will not be moping together of things that can not be controlled, but to live here and now.
Today, where it started slow but got into some kettlebell training (also tested new Yoga / Pilates mat) in afternoon anyway, and some days you have to be satisfied with having done something instead of thinking about what you should have done.
Must give myself a mental kick in the butt so that I will not be moping together of things that can not be controlled, but to live here and now.
Today, where it started slow but got into some kettlebell training (also tested new Yoga / Pilates mat) in afternoon anyway, and some days you have to be satisfied with having done something instead of thinking about what you should have done.
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